- Photographers and artists are people who use a camera or a paintbrush as a tool to capture beauties in life which others simply fail to see...

- Seeing the world through a young artist's eyes...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Do You Listen? Can You Hear Me?

Ever feel like no one around you listens? That no one really understands you or even takes the time to? That you can't trust your friends? Like everyone seems to be walking backwards? I think we all go through times where this is truly how we feel. We feel isolated on an island that people think doesn't exist. People make their own judgements and presumptions without thinking. But then you begin to think that people are not listening to you, so you try to listen to them, and try to dissect their layers like layers of an onion. But sometimes you're left pealing the wrong parts of the onion and you basically get nowhere. You think that hey maybe if I hear what others have to say I might see something in myself, or realize something that I never did before. Then There comes other times where you really feel the urge to be heard and you begin to seek the attention of perfect strangers and throw all your problems at them in hopes that they will be better listeners than your closest friends. I guess life doesn't always work according to the "give and take" saying.

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