- Photographers and artists are people who use a camera or a paintbrush as a tool to capture beauties in life which others simply fail to see...

- Seeing the world through a young artist's eyes...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Story of Time

This was a poem I wrote for homework in English class, we were asked to write about something that bugs us:

Time is a man’s worst enemy,

Yet his most valuable commodity,

Days fly by one after the other,

While he watches the clock eat away his sanity.

He becomes a speck of dust within a sea of bewilderment,

Wishing to escape the devouring darkness.

Mourning over yesterday,

And looking at tomorrow full of regrets and self-hatred

His mind lingers in the past where memories of lost ones lay untouched,

And looks up to stars,

When hope seems too farfetched.

Time has wilted and lost its color,

Exploited, degraded in the hands of others,

If only time would freeze for a moment,

So its value once again is returned to its former glory.

But time does not wait, it is impatient

It gushes forward leaving the ones behind picking up the tatters of their story,

The story of their time,

The story that ended,

The story that set them free.

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