- Photographers and artists are people who use a camera or a paintbrush as a tool to capture beauties in life which others simply fail to see...

- Seeing the world through a young artist's eyes...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

There was a young man whos habits
indduced him to feed upon rabbits
when he'd eaten eighteen
he'd turn perfectly green
upon which he relinquished his habits.

Thre once young little man
who sat in front of a fan
he spiked his hair
but he did'nt care
insted,he ran all the way to Japan

Saturday, December 16, 2006

How many black dots?

Parellel lines?

Shriking haze


Which half of your brain wins?

optical illusion

قصة جنتان

كان يا مكان فى قديم الزمان كان يوجد رجل غنى واخوه فقير. كان عند الرجل الغنى حديقتان ويجرى بينهما نهر جميل, وكانت تحيط بهما اشجار التمروكان كل شئ لونه اخضر. وكان الرجل الغنى فرحا جدا ولم يشكر الله. وكان عنده بيت جميل وكبير ولكنه كان يحب الحديقتان اكثرفأهمل بيته.
كان للرجل الغنى اخ فقير, وكان يعامله بسوء ولا يساعده لانه لا يحبه. وكان الرجل الفقير يحب اخاه وينصحه بأن يحمد الله سبحانه وتعالى. وكان الرجل الفقيريعيش فى بيت صغيرجدا فى قرية صغيرة ومزدحمة. وكان يفكر دائما فى اخيه ويحب بيته حتى لو كان صغيرا وكان يحمد الله على اي حال.
وفى يوم من الايام كان الرجل الغنى يفكر " لماذا لم اساعد اخى واعطيه قليلا من مالى الكثير؟" ولكنه كان يفكر " ولماذا لا يعمل هو؟".
وبعد خمسة ايام كانت السماء سوداء بشكل مخيف وبعد ذلك حدث فيضان وخربت المزروعات والاشجار فى الحديقتان. فحزن الرجل وعرف ان الله عاقبه لانه لم يشكره على نعمه. فضرب كفا بكف وقال " يا ليتنى سمعت كلام اخى", فذهب اليه واعتذر له وعاشوا معا بسلام وامان

Saturday, December 9, 2006

And funky people with magazines

give your imagination...

And thoughtful Bags

Here is your assignment...can you think of other bag ideas.....love you ..daddy

Funny Buses

More pics

Hi sweatie

Hope you are doing the best you can in your test..

After you finish treat yourself with these amusing pictures..

Good luck

Good luck in your science test tomorrow

The mother with one eye

My mom..My mom had only one eye..
I hated her .. she was just an embarrassment ...
She cook for students and teachers to support the family ..
One day when I was in the elementary school she came to say hello to me ..
I was embarrassed .. how could she do something like that to me ..I ignored her .. threw her a hateful look and ran away ...
The next day in school .. one of my class mates said EEEEEEE you mom has only one eye ...
I wanted to bury my self, and I wished if mom could just disappear!!
So I confronted her that day and said " if you re only gonna make me a laughing stock..
why don't you just die...
"My mom did not respond !! I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said.. because I was full of anger.. I was oblivious to her feelings I wanted out of that house ..
So I studied real hard, got a chance to get to Singapore o study then I got married...I brought a house of my own .. I had kids of my own .. I was happy with my life ..
Then one day, my mother came to visit me...She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her grandchildren..When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her I screamed at her " how dare you come to my house and scare my children .. get out of here NOW!!!", and to this, my mother quietly answered " oh" I'm so sorry I may have gotten the wrong address , and she disappeared out of sight.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip after the reunion ,
I went to the old house just out of curiosity !! my neighbors said that she died , I did not shed a single tear !!
They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have ...
" My dearest son , I think of you all the time , I'm sorry that I came to Singapore and scared your children, I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion but I may not be able to ever get out of bed to see you .. I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up ......You see.. When you were very little , you got into an accident and lost your eye... As a mother I couldn't stand watching you having yo grow up with one eye .. so .. I gave you mine ...I was so proud of my son, who was seeing a whole new world for me in my place .. with that eye.. with my love to you .. your mother ......"