- Photographers and artists are people who use a camera or a paintbrush as a tool to capture beauties in life which others simply fail to see...

- Seeing the world through a young artist's eyes...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Defining Art

Art, with all its forms is my way of saying hi. Simply reaffirming my existence, knowing, that I am here, living, breathing, and feeling. Without it, I am an invisible being walking gray roads not knowing how to fit in or what others want from me. Without it, I am an alien. It defines my human identity, and helps me cope with days where I feel like there is no one out there left to hear my calls. Where my voice ripples silence throughout. It is what keeps me company, it is my friend, my teacher, and my love. It is how I talk, and without it, I am lost for words to explain myself. Without it, I am numbed of feelings, powerless, trapped in a tower with no stairs. When no one sees me for who I am, I do not lose myself, my identity is crystallized in the form it is in, it is preserved and unchanged. Without it, I am a nobody.