- Photographers and artists are people who use a camera or a paintbrush as a tool to capture beauties in life which others simply fail to see...

- Seeing the world through a young artist's eyes...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


If you ever need me, I'll be in my little escape, my sanctuary, cacooned in my silence till I'm finally ready to burst and share my colors with the world, because right now my green is your red and your red is my blue and up is down and down is up. So for now, I'll be reconstructing, but this time I'll wrap myself in bubble wrap to cushion my next fall.... Plus, bubble wrap's always good entertainment.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Searching for Self - first sketch

“I'm afraid that sometimes you'll play lonely games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you.”
― Dr. Suess