In life we have our priorities, our loves, our family, our friends, and our responsibilities. People of different ages have different priorities and therefore, different problems. Not to complain, I am fully aware that people suffer even worse situations and have to go through extremely difficult lives, but I have come up with a conclusion based on my own experiences these past few years. Firstly, life is like a house of sticks. You spend weeks and months trying to gather up all the materials waiting patiently until all the essential tools are gathered. Then you start building it up, carefully placing one stick on top of the other, each one acting as a support for the next. It is a fragile structure constantly being manipulated and constantly evolving and becoming more stable. When you finally think you have the perfect house, and you think you have reached your highest success and you think you have it all, that is when something happens. The structure, after reaching its climax, as the saying goes, "what goes up, must come down." One mild wind, one stick removed can send the entire structure plummeting to the ground. That is a perfect example of how my life feels right now. I think that over the past few years I managed to convince myself that I had friends and that I was satisfied with what I had. I never actually looked beyond our shallow 2 hour talks on the phone or the happiness that we naively displayed. Though little things, little fights little arguments began to form that deep hallow dark pitch of distrust between the two sides. That impatience, judgment, betrayal, and feeling of isolation and misconception and misunderstanding is what caused that violent storm hoist up the fragile house of sticks and give it that final shove onto the cold harsh ground. We all think its over exaggeration when they say that a book can actually change someone's life, but due to recent events, I would now laugh at those shallow people who think that not true.

That one book from English class, yes who's cover page is not very creative and yes not very inviting, yes, that was the one book I read that actually hit me straight in the head and made me think "WAIT. hold the phone, something is defiantly not right." Just thinking about the author alone and his brilliance is beyond fascinating, the way he was able to paint such vivid pictures and descriptions of the modern world without even living through it. Burning books. I actually wouldn't be surprised if the governments today began to burn books and stop knowledge. Everything in the book that was not actually there during the time the author lived is happening. Impeding our thinking process with ads, commercials, meaningless information. Televisions that are improving to where they are becoming like the Parlor Walls, and where people are picked on for being bright, or smart. Though going beyond those things, this book's main character goes on a journey of finding himself after he made the devastating discovery that he was not happy. In the end he literally lost everything he owned, but he was now happier on the inside, and he was doing what he thought was right, he was being reborn from the ashes.

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